Start Date:
September 29, 2023
End Date:
October 1, 2023

CodeZwei Techstart Become a Software Developer

Course Fees:
Düsseldorf - Germany

Do you have a passion for creating user-centered and user-friendly software applications? If the answer is yes, then you're in the right place! We are thrilled to announce that we have an incredible training program designed to help you navigate every aspect of the development process with ease. Our comprehensive program ensures that you are well-equipped with the essential skills and knowledge required to start an education in IT if you are a student or how to create top-quality software applications that stand out in the crowded market if you are a seasonal expert. And most importantly a chance to showcase your skills by building a portfolio project.

You will be guided on how to start or build on your skills for an IT career in web and apps development. The participants will keep working on their projects even after the workshop with support from our tech mentors and experienced trainers. we will also help the participants to find job placements if they are experienced or internships if they are beginners or students.

Our goal is to keep quality international IT talents in the job market and link them to potential employers. we do this by enabling a platform for Talent exchange and offering coding challenges to select the best for the market. we also facilitate intensive training about the topic concepts, working methods and skills development.

You will therefore work in a smaller group with smaller teams with access to one-on-one support.

Even if you're a beginner, our instruction will help you learn everything from coding and setting up databases to working with popular web development tools and frameworks, such as react.js, next.js, node.js, html, css, javascript, Git, and more. With easy-to-follow instruction and hands-on experience, you can develop the core competencies you need to succeed in software development in during the workshop.

Don't waste another minute – register today and begin your journey towards becoming a skilled and valuable software developer!

What to expect  during your days at Codezwei Techstart

=> Intensive coding Workshops
=> Fully hands-on sessions
=> Full Days of coding
=> Workshop session on working as a software developer in Germany
=> Diverse project Teams
=> Portifolio Project

Accomodation Details

=> Accommodation provided

=> Breakfast and Lunch Meals inclusive

=> Airport Pick-up from Düsseldorf International Airport

Registration Deadline

Self motivation

Send us a motivation letter indicating why you would want to attend our coding workshop in Germany, let us know how this programme will help you when you go back to your country, you can try to be true and show us who you really are, your career goals and why choosing our programme. You can either provide the motivation essay directly through your application form, or alternatively you can share It as a separate file.

Curriculum vitae

Please send us your current CV too, you can use a tabular format for your CV and add passport photo

Knowledge of working with computers and the internet

This is a fully hands-on workshop, we expect you to be knowing how to work with computers and can follow step by step during the workshop sessions.

Foundational Programming Skills

We welcome even beginners in our workshop, it was crafted to support anyone regardless of the level in programming, however we expect that you know some basic programming principles to able to follow the sessions.


You will be selected based on the quality of your motivation statement and your CV. Please take your time to prepare these documents. we receive many good applications and have limited spots Available.