CodeZwei UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Connollystr. 3 App B12
80809 Munich
Managing Director: Mr. Samuel Bisaso
Registered Court: Amtsgericht München
Handelsregister : HRB 267877
Ust-IdNr (VAT- ID): DE352514593
Steuer-Nr(Tax Number): 143/125/42650
Bank Details:
CodeZwei UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Kreis und Stadtsparkasse Erding-Dorfen
IBAN: DE87700519950020625331
Picture and video credits:
Codezwei, Unsplash, coveir,
Limitation of liability:
CodeZwei UG accepts no responsibility for the topicality, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information contained on its website. Liability claims against CodeZwei UG for any of the following reasons will be excluded as long as CodeZwei can reasonably demonstrate that they are not responsible for any faults:
inclusion of offensive materials
the use or misuse of the collected information
All documents and materials are contributed voluntarily and with the consent of the individuals concerned.
CodeZwei endeavors to observe and recognize the author’s rights of all publications, graphics, audiovisual, and multimedia. It retains its own rights for texts, publications, graphics, audiovisual, and multimedia items created by Codezwei UG. All third party companies and trademarks are unrestrictedly subject to the regulation of valid and registered recognition rights and property rights. Only through the explicit naming of registered trademarks are third parties not legally protected. CodeZwei UG retains the copyright over all of its items created by Codezwei UG on its site, which are available to the public via the internet. The reproduction or use of any of the CodeZwei's materials is forbidden without the prior consent of CodeZwei UG.
To the best of our ability and to such an extent as is possible for a public access internet site CodeZwei UG will respect data protection rights of individuals and companies who collaborate with CodeZwei UG (emails addresses, names, and addresses). Any such data, which is provided to CodeZwei UG is done so completely upon a free-will basis and with the prior consent of the individuals concerned. The rights and payment of services offered to CodeZwei UG are - as much as is technically possible- protected data. This includes anonymous publications and writers writing under a pseudonym. The use and supply of publicly available contact details and information such as addresses, email addresses, telephone or fax numbers which are supplied through third parties are not protected.
Data protection:
You will find information on data protection here.