Privacy Policy



Codezwei UG, is pleased to be able to offer the following basic information about data protection and how your personal data is handled.


1. Data controller as defined by data protection law; contact


1.1  CodeZwei UG

The data controller pursuant to Article 4 Paragraph 7 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is CodeZwei UG, Connollystraße 3 App B12, 80809 Munich,Germany; Email; 

This data controller is responsible for the following websites:

2. Data we collect, purpose for collection

2.1. As a prospective customer or participant/student using our educational products

Please note:Information on in-house events run by CodeZewi UG is available in Section 2.3.

When you contact us using the contact options provided on the website, by email or by visiting one of our Codezwei locations, we collect various personal data, depending on whether you are receiving a consultation or are concluding a contract with us:

If you book an educational course, training, continuing education course or coaching session with us, we collect and process the data that is necessary to execute the contract. The scope of the data depends on the product and on your funding situation. The types of data that may be involved are described below. The precise scope will depend on the form used and your circumstances. If you contact us as a prospective student, we collect much of this data while initiating a contract. The legal basis for the processing of data in this case is Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) GDPR. Unfortunately, we are unable to proceed with your consultancy appointment if you do not provide the required data.Additional information is provided on a voluntary basis and will be processed based on your consent.

2.1.1. We collect the following data from you directly:

  • Personal data and     contact details. We use a specialist service provider to administer our     appointment booking system. We have concluded a data processing agreement     with them.
  • Professional/CV data     and data regarding qualifications (e.g., educational qualifications)
  • Details about the     profession, traineeship or workplace being pursued
  • Details regarding     financing and, if applicable, your source of funding
  • In special cases,     certificate of health or good conduct, where applicable
  • Documentation for a     disability if intending to request special leave
  • If applicable,     details regarding mobility and willingness to travel
  • In special cases,     details regarding impairments relevant to the labour market and the degree     of disability
  • Your account     details, should we apply to your funding source for travel expenses on     your behalf
  • If you would like to     participate from home, we collect data relating to the quality of your     internet connection
  • If you have provided     your contact details as a prospective student, we use this data to contact     you regarding the initiation of a contract, e.g., to arrange a consultancy     appointment, to send you offers that correspond with your stated     qualification goals, to remind you of agreed appointments, or for queries     regarding quotes issued.
  • Information about an     employment relationship that has been entered into in the meantime upon     completion of your qualification for quality control as contractually     agreed. It is very important to Codezwei that your qualification brings     you success. If you are a participant of a state-subsidised programme, we     are required to inform the funding source of this pursuant to     Sections 183 and 318 of the German Social Code, Book III (Sozialgesetzbuch     Drittes Buch [SGB III]) and Section 2 Paragraph 2 of     the German Accreditation and Licensing Ordinance on Employment Promotion (Akkreditierungs-     und Zulassungsverordnung Arbeitsförderung [AZAV]). Therefore,     we will contact you once you complete said programme. The legal basis for     processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1(c) GDPR in conjunction with the     provisions mentioned above under German law.
  • We use your contact data     in connection with the products you book through our company to invite you     to company presentations by potential employers, and to register you for     our email-based self-study course as part of Codezwei Career Accelerator     programme (CCA Program). We do this to offer you the best possible support     in finding suitable employment and thereby to increase the success of our     qualifications. If by any chance you do not wish to be contacted for this purpose,     please keep us informed.
  • To further improve     our consultancy services, conversations with the central Service Hotline     may be recorded or another person may listen in on those conversations in     isolated cases. Before beginning the conversation, you are given the     opportunity to decide whether you agree to this. If you request that these     measures, not be taken, the conversation will not be recorded, nor will     anyone listen in. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR.     Because we consider the quality of our consulting services crucial to the     subsequent success of our qualifications, our legitimate interest takes precedence     here.


2.1.2. We collect the following data from third parties


Depending on whether other partners are involved in your qualification course, we collect the following data so we are able to provide our contractually agreed services (Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) GDPR):

  • We obtain details regarding the status of     your registration, process organisation and examination results from the     competent professional chamber or practice.
  • We obtain your examination results from     certification partners.
  • We obtain details relating to the     progress of your internship or practical training (e.g., progress, effort,     absences) from your internship or cooperation company.
  • If you receive benefits for     participation, we obtain medical findings and reports from your     occupational rehabilitation institution, such as Deutsche     Rentenversicherung, your accident insurance provider or the     rehabilitation department of the German Employment Agency and the job     centre for persons with disabilities, where applicable.

2.1.3. We send the following data to third parties

We inform your funding source regarding the progress of your participation and about any special events. Only data necessary for both parties to complete their tasks is sent (e.g. contractual documents, dates of absence, certificates of incapacity to work, certificates,participation reports, information on conduct and performance relevant to the measure’s objective or incorporation). We are bound to comply with this requirement by Sections 81, 183 and 318 SGB III. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1(c) GDPR in conjunction with the provisions mentioned above under German law. If special categories of personal data are involved when sending data, this is on the basis of Article 9 Paragraph 2(b) GDPR in conjunction with the provisions mentioned above under German law. If you receive benefits for participation, interim and final reports and, where applicable, psychological fitness reports are also sent. In the event of special leave due to disability,we store a copy of the documentation you provide regarding your disability and send this information to your source of funding.

Only the data necessary for the course/coaching is sent to freelance trainers/coaches hired to conduct your qualification course or coaching.

To access digital learning tools, it may be necessary to send the personal data we require for registration to the relevant publishers. These providers have been verified in terms of their compliance with German and European data protection laws.

As part of quality controls conducted by outside certifiers (including DQS) or the audit service of the German Federal Employment Agency, your data is sent to the auditing organisation, if applicable.

Depending on whether other partners are also involved in your qualification course, we send the data necessary for the task in question (pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) GDPR) to the following partners, where applicable, for the purpose of executing the contract:

  • Professional     chambers (e.g. Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK), Chamber of     Handicrafts (HWK))
  • Certification     partners (e.g. SAP, DEKRA, Microsoft, Google, IBM)
  • Internship and     cooperation companies
  • As a participant of     qualification courses generally involving the use of Microsoft tools (e.g.,     Microsoft Cloud, Azure Dev Tools), your first name and surname are used to     assign you a Microsoft email address.
  • Educational authorities
  • School     administration offices
  • State statistical     offices
  • German Federal     Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG) office

Disclosure to potential employers:

If you have explicitly consented, we use data regarding your suitability (CV, qualifications booked)to compare with enquiries from potential employers and, if applicable, to send this data to the company making the enquiry.

2.1.4. Erasure of your data

We store your personal data as long as it is required to meet our statutory and contractual obligations. And If it is no longer necessary to store your data to meet our contractual or statutory obligations, your data will be erased unless further processing is necessary to fulfil retention obligations or protect our legitimate interests.

2.2. Marketing

Our websites offer you the option to subscribe to our newsletter. we store the data transmitted when subscribing to the newsletter, including the source IP address, a timestamp and the IP address of the receiving server. We also record the activation of the confirmation link, including the source IP address, a time stamp and the IP address of the receiving server. The legal basis is our legitimate interest(Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR) in proper record keeping.

If you have granted us your consent to receiving marketing communications, we store your email address for the purpose of sending you this information. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1(a) GDPR. You may revoke your consent at any time. You can revoke your consent by clicking on the link provided in each newsletter email or by sending an email to Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out before your consent was revoked.

In addition to your consent, we process your email address for the purpose of marketing similar proprietary products and related customer satisfaction surveys, provided you are an existing customer. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR in conjunction with Section 7 Paragraph 3 of the German Act Against Unfair Practices (Gesetzgegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb [UWG]). Informing our existing customers about new products and services offered is a legitimate interest. You are entitled to object to this at any time, free of charge. Simply send an email to

We would also like to facilitate independent quality checks by institutes. As such, we may hire other companies to conduct customer surveys, so you might be contacted by a company other than Codezwei We conclude contracts for data processing with these companies in compliance with the provisions of the GDPR.

We generally retain data that is required for processing for marketing purposes until you revoke your consent or object to this type of use. Except where you revoke your consent or object to processing, there is no set rule regarding the retention period for data used for marketing purposes. Instead, the retention period depends on whether it is necessary for us to store that data to contact you on a marketing basis. Once you revoke your consent or object to processing, we continue to store the required information for a reasonable period of time on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR. Being able to provide evidence and furnish proof should we need to is a legitimate interest under the provision mentioned above.

Contact details subject to an objection to processing will continue to be stored in a blocked form on a marketing blacklist. By doing so, we can ensure that you do not receive any further marketing material from us, either by post or by electronic mail. The legal basis is Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR. Your desire not to receive any further marketing communications in future constitutes a legitimate interest under the provision mentioned above. If you do not agree to this,please do let us know. We will then permanently erase your data. However, in this case, we will no longer be able to fully ensure that you will not receive any marketing communications from us in future.

2.3. As a participant at an in-house event

Depending on the product and depending on the agreement in place with your employer, we collect the following data when you attend an in-house event. In general, some of this data is collected by your employer.

  • Your name and     contact details so we can contact you during your enrollment
  • Data about your job     title or position in your organisation, if necessary to carry out/organise     the training
  • Data on your source     of funding if you are in receipt of funding and if we need to verify your     identity by matching this information to your records
  • Depending on the     content of the event(s), additional personal data may be collected to     ensure the content is appropriately presented (e.g., biographical     information for application coaching)
  • Dates of attendance     and absence
  • For online training,     data about the quality of your internet connection is also collected


The purpose of processing is to fulfil contractual obligations. The legal basis for the processing of data in this case is Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) GDPR.

Depending on the agreement with your employer, we send your dates of attendance and absence, results of training sessions and recordings of events to your employer, if applicable,provided this is necessary to fulfil the contract.


We store your personal data as long as it is required to meet our statutory and contractual obligations.

If it is no longer necessary to store your data to meet our contractual or statutory obligations,your data will be erased unless further processing is necessary to fulfil retention obligations or protect our legitimate interests.

2.4. As the contact person for a company/organisation

If you are the contact person for your organisation and you contact Codezwei  (e.g. as a corporate client, partner or supplier), we collect the following data:

  • Name and contact     details
  • Employer and, if     applicable, your position in your organisation


The purpose of processing is to fulfil contractual obligations. The legal basis for processing is therefore Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) GDPR.

We store your personal data as long as it is required to meet our statutory and contractual obligations.

If it is no longer necessary to store your data to meet our contractual or statutory obligations,your data will be erased unless further processing is necessary to fulfil retention obligations or protect our legitimate interests.

3. Data processor and third-party service providers

We sometimes use third-party service providers to process your data. These third parties may have access to personal data, provided this is necessary to complete their tasks. In terms of contracted data processing as stipulated in Article 28 GDPR,we ensure that these providers are similarly bound by the provisions of data protection laws. If service providers are data controllers as defined by the GDPR, they are bound by a duty of confidentiality and must comply with the statutory data protection regulations. Please also take note of the privacy notices for each service provider (see Section 5). The service provider in each case is responsible for the content of third-party services, whereas we verify that their services are in compliance with the statutory requirements to a reasonable extent. 

It is important to us that your data be processed within the EU/EEA. However, we may use service providers that process data outside of the EU/EEA. In these cases, we ensure that the recipient has an adequate level of data protection in place before transmitting your personal data. This means that we are able to achieve a level of data protection commensurate with EU standards through what are known as EU standard contractual clauses or an adequacy decision by the EU Commission.Specific guarantees are explained with each procedure.

3.1. Use of Microsoft365

To conduct calls,meetings, video conferences, training sessions and coaching, we use  zoom meetings and Microsoft Teams and other services included in the Microsoft 365 Suite, a product of Microsoft Corp.,USA, on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1(b) (performance of a contract) and Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR. Being able to ensure these events are conducted properly, even in situations where participant attendance cannot be fully guaranteed, is a legitimate interest as defined by Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Microsoft. Where datails sent to third countries in connection with the use of Microsoft 365, this is done on the basis of EU standard contractual clauses. These are available here more information about data protection at Microsoft Teams, please visit: In all other respects, the Codezwei Terms of Use apply to the use of Microsoft365.

4. Your rights

4.1. Right to revoke consent

If data processing is carried out on the basis of your consent, you may revoke your consent to your data being processed at any time with future effect without incurring any detrimental consequences. This does not affect the lawfulness of any data processing that was carried out before you revoked your consent. If you revoke your consent, all your data will be physically erased so that it is unrecoverable once we have received notice that you are exercising your right of revocation, provided this data is no longer required as verification of lawful processing.

Please notify us that you would like to revoke your consent by sending an email to the following address:


4.2. Right to object in the event of data processing on the basis of a legitimate or public interest

Under Article 21 Paragraph 1 GDPR, you have the right to lodge an objection to the processing of personal data relating to you for reasons relating to your particular situation where this is done on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1(e) (data processing in the public interest) or (f) (data processing to safeguard a legitimate interest) GDPR. This also applies to any profiling based on this provision. Please submit your objection to

4.3. Right to conduct direct marketing in the event of data processing

If we process your personal data in order to engage in direct marketing, you have the right under Article 21 Paragraph 2 GDPR to lodge an objection against the processing of the personal data relating to you for the purpose of such marketing at any time. This also applies to profiling where this is connected to this kind of direct marketing. Please submit your objection to

4.4. Other rights

You are further entitled to exercise the following rights, provided the legal requirements are met in each case. To exercise your rights as a data subject, simply send a message to or one of the other contact addresses listed in Section 1:

  • Right to information     about your personal data stored with us in accordance with Article 15     GDPR; in particular, you are entitled to access information on the purpose     of the processing, categories of personal data, categories of recipients     to whom personal data have been disclosed or are to be disclosed, the     planned storage period, and the origin of your data, provided this data     was not collected from you directly;
  • Right to     rectification of incorrect or incomplete data pursuant to Article 16 GDPR;
  • Right to erasure of     the data we have stored on you pursuant to Article 17 GDPR unless we are     required to comply with any legal or contractual retention period or other     legal requirements or rights regarding further storage;
  • Right to restriction     of the processing of your personal data pursuant to Article 18 GDPR where     the accuracy of the data is contested by you, its processing is unlawful,     but you object to its erasure; the data controller no longer needs the     data but you need it to assert claims, or exercise or defend claims, or     you have lodged an objection against this data being processed pursuant to     Article 21 GDPR;
  • Right to data     portability pursuant to Article 20 GDPR, i.e. the right to receive the     data we have stored about you in a commonly used, machine-readable format,     or to request that this data be sent to another data controller;
  • Right to lodge a     complaint with a supervisory authority. In general, you may contact the     supervisory authority in your usual place of work or residence or in the     location of our company headquarters for this purpose.

5. Information on technology used

The following web-based technology is generally used on the Codezwei website and platform.You can find out which technology is actually being used by looking at the overview of cookie consents on the website in question.

5.1. Cookies and tracking – General information

When using our website, cookies are stored on the user’s device and other similar tracking technologies are used. Cookies are small data records in a database maintained by your browser or text files your browser generates automatically and a restored on your device (laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.), They provide certain information to the organisation that sets the cookies (in this case, us). For the sake of readability, other tracking technologies that work similarly to cookies and whose functionality is explained in the sections below are also referred to as cookies. Cookies do not harm your device and do not contain viruses, Trojan horses or other malware. They serve to make our online services more user-friendly and effective overall.

This website uses the following types of cookies and tracking, the scope and functionality of which are explained below:

5.1.1. Transient cookies, session cookies

These cookies are erased automatically when you close your browser or log out. These cookies store what is known as a session ID. This allows us to assign various requests from your browser to a common session. This enables us to recognise your computer if you return to our website.

5.1.2. Persistent cookies

Persistent cookies are automatically erased after a given amount of time, which may differ depending on the cookie. You can erase these cookies at any time by adjusting your browser’s privacy settings.

5.1.3. Flash cookies,local shared objects

Flash cookies are set by the Adobe Flash plugin, which is installed in your browser. These objects store the necessary data, regardless of the browser you use, which means the data can be used across different browsers. They have no automatic expiry date.Depending on your browser, Flash cookies can be managed (e.g. erased) like other cookies, or they may not be visible in your browser’s cookie management system. If you do not want any Flash cookie processing to be carried out,adjust your Flash Player settings to prevent this or install a relevant add-onto your browser.

5.1.4. Web storage, DOM storage

Web storage is used to store data in your browser for the purposes listed below. There are two main types of storage: Local storage for persistent data (with no expiry date) and session storage for session data (which is erased once the browser window is closed). You can erase this data by adjusting your browser’s developer options.

5.1.5. Tracking pixels, pixel trackers

This method typically involves running a tracking script on the website, which requests a tracking pixel from the web analytics tool provider. Information for the purposes listed below is also sent and, where applicable, a cookie for the web analytics tool provider is set. If there is an existing cookie, this information is added to the information in the cookie. You can remove these cookies as explained above.

5.1.6. Further information about cookies

The necessary or essential cookies listed later in this text allow us to store the connection status of your account and to adjust the website to tailor it to your device.For example, they enable you to have direct access to personal and protected zones on our website with a user name or data you have previously entered. The data processed by these cookies is necessary for the purposes stated in order to safeguard our legitimate interests as well as those of third parties in line with Article 6 Paragraph 1(f) GDPR.

The analytical cookies listed help us to optimise our website to make it more convenient for you to use. For example, we use session cookies to recognise that you have already visited specific pages on our website. These cookies store what is known as a session ID. This allows us to assign various requests from your browser to a common session. This enables us to recognise your computer if you return to our website.

We also use cookies to record the use of our website for statistical reasons and evaluate it for the purpose of optimising our products and services for you. These cookies allow us to automatically recognise that you have already visited our website on a previous occasion when you visit our website again. We also use the cookies to be able to identify you for follow-up visits if you have an account with us. Otherwise, you will need to log in again each time you visit our website.

We can also use cookies to store your preferences. This allows us or third-party providers running features on our website to store your settings on our website or individual features. When you later return to our website, your previous settings are restored.

We aim to use these tracking measures to continuously optimise the design of our website to suit your needs. We also use these tracking measures to record the use of our website for statistical purposes. We also use the data to optimise advertising content. The purposes for data processing and the categories of data being processed can be found in the description of each tracking tool and the overview of cookie consents.

Data processing in connection with the setting of analytical, statistical or preference cookies and tracking cookies is conducted on the basis of your consent (Article 6 Paragraph 1(a) GDPR). More information is available in the relevant sections covering web analytics tools in this Privacy Notice.

5.4. Hubspot

We use tools provided by Hubspot, Inc., 25 First Street, Cambridge, MA 02141 USA, and its affiliated companies (collectively referred to as “Hubspot”) on our websites to send our newsletter, receive queries through our website, and operate landing pages.These tools use cookies on our website to collect the following personal data when you use the website:

  • First name and surname
  • Email address
  • Address
  • Telephone number

If individual HubSpot features place cookies on your device, this is done on the basis of your consent pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1(a) GDPR. Data is processed in the US or Ireland. HubSpot processes data on our behalf. We have concluded a data processing agreement with HubSpot. This agreement serves to ensure that HubSpot processes the data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and to guarantee the rights of data subjects. HubSpot does not use customer data to contact you itself unless you arrange for this to happen or otherwise permit it. More information about data processing at HubSpot is available here:
You may revoke your consent at any time with future effect. Revoking your consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out before your consent was revoked.

5.5. Google Tag Manager

This website uses the Google Tag Manager tool (“GTM”), operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). We use GTM to manage the tools we are informing you about in this Privacy Notice. For details regarding these tools, please refer to the information about the specific tool.

GTM is embedded using a script and a variant for systems with JavaScript disabled. It is loaded from the domain It loads tools from Google or third-party providers, which in turn may collect data or load cookies (see the cookie declaration in this Privacy Notice). GTM itself does not access this data.

More information about GTM is available in the terms of use for this product.

5.6. Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). In this context,pseudonymised usage profiles are compiled and cookies are used. The information generated by cookies about your use of this website, such as the:

  • browser     type/version;
  • operating system     used;
  • referrer URL (the     page visited prior to visiting our website);
  • host name of the     accessing computer (IP address); or
  • time of the server     request,

is transferred to a Google server in the US and stored there. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google for the use of Google Analytics. This agreement serves to ensure that Google processes the data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and to guarantee the rights of data subjects.

This information is used to evaluate your use of this website, to compile reports on the website activities, and to perform further services linked to website and internet use for market research purposes and to tailor the design of this website.

Google may also disclose this information to third parties if this is legally required or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Under no circumstances will your IP address be associated with any other data held by Google. IP addresses are anonymised so that it is not possible to attribute them to individuals (known as IP masking).

More information about data protection at Google Analytics can be found in the help section of Google Analytics, available here.

5.7. Google Marketing Platform

Our website uses the Google Marketing Platform’s (“GMP”) online marketing tools, operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). GMP uses cookies to deliver ads that are relevant to users, to improve campaign performance reports, or to prevent a user from seeing the same ads more than once. Google uses a cookie ID to record which ads are shown on which browser,enabling them to prevent ads from being shown more than once. GMP can also use cookie IDs to track conversions related to ad requests, for example when a user sees a Google marketing network ad and later uses the same browser to visit the advertiser’s website and make a purchase. According to Google, these cookies do not contain any personal information.

Due to the marketing tools used, your browser automatically establishes a direct connection with the Google server. We have no influence on the scope and further use of the data collected by Google by our use of this tool. As of the date this Privacy Notice was published, to our knowledge the following is correct: Embedding GMP allows Google to receive data on the information you have accessed, the relevant part of our website you accessed, or that you clicked on one of our ads. If you are registered with a service hosted by Google, Google can attribute your visit to your account. Even if you are not registered with Google or are not logged in,it is possible for the provider to find out your IP address and store it.

You can prevent participation in this tracking as follows: 

by disabling interest-based ads from providers that are part of the self-governing About Ads campaign via the link These settings are reset when you erase your cookies.

5.8. Google Ads Conversion Tracking

Our website uses Google Ads Conversion Tracking, operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”), to record the use of our website for statistical reasons and evaluate it for the purpose of optimising our products and services for you. Google Ads sets a cookie on your computer if you are directed to our website via a Google ad.

These cookies cease to be valid after 30 days. If a user visits specific pages of the Ads customer’s website and the cookie remains active, the cookie allows Google and the customer to recognise that the user clicked on the advertisement and was directed to this website.

The information generated by cookies about your use of this website is transferred to a Google server in the US and stored there. We have concluded a data processing agreement with Google for the use of Google Ads. This agreement serves to ensure that Google processes the data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation and to guarantee the rights of data subjects.

Each Ads customer receives a different cookie. This means that cookies cannot be tracked across different Ads customers’ websites. The information collected using the conversion cookie serves to create conversion statistics for Ads customers that have opted to use conversion tracking. This enables Google to determine the total number of users who have clicked on our ad and were directed to a website equipped with a conversion tracking tag. However, we do not receive any information that can be used to personally identify users.

You can find Google’s privacy policy for conversion tracking here.

5.9. YouTube

Our website uses services provided by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA,represented by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043,USA, to embed videos on the website. You may need to click a button on the playback screen and accept cookies to play the video. If you press play on a video on the website, your IP address is sent to YouTube and cookies are installed on your computer before the video is actually played. However, we have embedded our YouTube videos with enhanced privacy mode (in this case, YouTube still contacts the Google Marketing Platform service, but according to Google’s privacy policy, personal data is not analysed in this process). As a result,YouTube no longer stores information about visitors unless they watch the video. When you click on the video, your IP address is sent to YouTube and YouTube recognises that you have watched the video. If you are logged in to YouTube, this information is also linked to your user account (you can prevent this by logging out of YouTube before viewing the video). 

We have no knowledge or influence on the possible collection and use of your data by YouTube at that point. For more detailed information, please refer to YouTube’s privacy policy at In addition, please refer to our general description in this Privacy Notice with respect to the general handling of cookies and disabling them. 

5.10. Facebook

5.10.1. Custom Audiences

If you consent to this in advance, we use the Custom Audiences remarketing feature offered by Facebook Ireland Ltd, 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2,Ireland (“Facebook Ireland”) on our websites. This feature allows us to direct targeted advertising at website visitors by placing personalised,interest-based Facebook ads tailored to visitors of the website when you visit the Facebook social network. To make use of the various features available, we have agreed terms and conditions with Facebook as part of a data processing agreement as per Article 28 GDPR. In this agreement, Facebook affirms that it processes data in accordance with the GDPR and that it protects the rights of data subjects.

You can object to the use of the Custom Audiences service as a whole here on the Facebook website. After logging in to your Facebook account, you will be taken to the settings page for Facebook Ads.

5.10.2. Facebook pixel for metrics and analytics

The Facebook pixel allows us to use tracking solutions and analytics services to see how you react to our ads on Facebook, for example when you click on a link in the ad that leads to our website. This gives us a better overview of how successful our campaigns on Facebook are and helps us continually optimise them. We also use the pixel to identify you as a visitor to our website. We can use this information to display the ads we post on Facebook only to those Facebook users who are also likely to be interested in our products and services, either because they have visited our website before or because they have certain characteristics (e.g. interested in certain topics or products identified based on the websites they have visited).

The pixel is loaded when you visit our website or respond to an ad we have placed on Facebook, forexample by clicking on a link to our website contained in the ad. This creates a pixel ID, which is stored in a cookie, so that we then receive an analysis of your user behaviour. The pixel does not enable us to identify you personally.

5.11. Use of social media buttons

We currently use the following social media buttons: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Xing. We use the Shariff tool developed by c’t. This means that when you visit our site, no personal data is initially disclosed to the button providers.Communication with social networks is done by a script stored on the server,which acts as an intermediary between the social network and the user. Users are only directly connected to Facebook, Twitter or Xing when they become active. Social networks cannot collect data about users before they are active.The button provider is recognisable by logo or initial shown in the box. You can communicate directly with the social network provider by clicking the button.Only by clicking the button will the social network receive the information that you have accessed the relevant website. In the case of Facebook, the IP address is anonymised immediately after it has been collected according to the providers in Germany. By using the button, your personal data is transmitted to the social network provider in question and stored there (in the case of US providers, in the US). Since the provider collects data in particular using cookies, we recommend that you adjust your browser’s security settings to erase all cookies before clicking on the button. 

We have no influence on the data collected and any data processing procedures, nor are we aware of the full extent of data collection, the purposes of processing, or the retention periods. Furthermore, we do not have any information about the erasure of the data collected by the button provider. 

The button provider stores the data collected about you as user profiles and uses them for the purposes of advertising, market research and/or to tailor the design of its website. In particular, this kind of analysis is conducted (including for users who are not logged in) for the purpose of tailoring advertising to the needs of users and to inform other social network users about your activity on our website. You have a right to object to the creation of these user profiles. To exercise this right, please contact the button provider in question. The buttons allow us to offer your the option to interact with social networks and other users to help us optimise our website and tailor it to the interests of our users. The legal basis for the use of these buttons is Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1(a) GDPR.

The data is disclosed regardless of whether you have an account with the button provider and are logged in there. If you are logged in with the button provider, your data we collect is directly linked to your existing account with the button provider.For example, if you press the activated button and link to the website, the button provider also stores this information in your user account and publicly shares it with your contacts. We recommend regularly logging out after using asocial network. However, this is particularly recommended before clicking a button since this prevents the information from being linked to your profile with the plugin provider.  

More information on the purpose and extent of data collection and processing by these button providers is available in each button provider’s privacy notice as listed below. The links below also provide additional information about your rights in this regard, as well as options for adjusting your settings to protect your privacy. 

Button provider addresses and URLs for their privacy notices:

5.12. LinkedInInsights

Our website uses the LinkedIn Insights tag, operated by LinkedIn Co., 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94943, USA (“LinkedIn”). The LinkedIn Insights tag allows us to collect information, including personal data, about visitors to our website.This enables us to track advertising effectiveness and display interest-based ads. The data collected includes the following: URL, referrer URL, IP address,device and browser properties (user agent) and a time stamp. IP addresses are stored only in an abbreviated form or hashed. If you are logged in to your visit to our website, this information is also collected. The data collected is pseudonymised within seven (7) days, i.e. all personal identifiers are removed. These pseudonymised data remaining is then be erased within 180 days. A data processing agreement has been concluded with LinkedIn. In connection with the use of the LinkedIn Insights tag, data is transmitted to servers in the US. The legal basis for processing is Article 6 Paragraph 1(a) GDPR. Our legitimate interest is in tailoring the design of our website to users’ needs and the opportunity to offer interest-based ads. The interests of the website visitors are sufficiently taken into account through the measures envisaged by LinkedIn, in particular prompt pseudonymisation. We therefore do not assume any overriding interest that precludes our legitimate interest.LinkedIn’s privacy policy is available here:


6. Participation in competitions

Codezwei holds competitions from time to time. Details are available in the terms and conditions for participation for each competition. When you participate in one of our competitions, we process the data you provide. Generally, this involves an individual competition post (e.g., a comment or photo), your name and your contact details so we can hold the competition and notify you if you win. The legal basis for this is your consent pursuant to Article 6 Paragraph 1(a) GDPR. If you have separately granted us consent to do so,we will include your contact details in our newsletter mailing to keep you informed about current CodeZwei offers and services. You may revoke your consent to your data being processed as described above at any time with future effect, free of charge, by sending a brief message to the contact details provided in Section 1. Revoking your consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out before your consent was revoked. Beyond revocation,participant data is erased from our active systems once the competition has been completed. Winner data is archived on the basis of Article 6 Paragraph 1(c) GDPR for the duration of our legal retention obligations for reasons relating to commercial and tax law (generally ten (10) years).

7. Amendments to our Privacy Notice

Codezwei may need to amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. We therefore recommend that you read through this Privacy Notice at regular intervals. However, rest assured that amendments will not come into force with retroactive effect and that we will not change the way we handle data previously collected.

Updated on 15 September 2021