Start Date:
December 15, 2023
End Date:
December 17, 2023

Data Driven Farming Course

Course Fees:
Düsseldorf - Germany

Programme & topics

The course provides an overview of technical and organizational challenges and opportunities concerning data-driven agri-food business. You collaborate with fellow professional learners. Peer review is stimulated and an essential part of your learning experience.

The course will cover four main topics that are essential for anyone looking to succeed in a data-driven agri-food business:

1. Big Data developments

Learn about the latest developments and technologies related to digitalisation and how they can lead to innovations in the agri-food business.

2. Data-driven business models

Explore innovative business data modeling and why this determines the success of innovation in the agri-food industry. From precision agriculture to personalized marketing, discover how data-driven strategies can lead to new business models. So what is a business model, and why is it determining whether an innovation succeeds? You will dive into topics like:
  1. Customer needs;
  2. Where and how big data is creating value in agri-food;
  3. So-called ‘Business model patterns’ of value creation from data;
  4. Finding out which value proposition is best to be offered to your customers

3. Data Platforms

In today's digital economy, understanding data platform design and interoperability is crucial to success. Keep up-to-date with the latest developments to stay competitive. By learning about evolving standards and leveraging technologies, you can benefit your organization. Explore available resources to master this aspect of modern data management.

4. Responsible Data Sharing

To address public concerns about privacy, transparency, and power distribution in agri-food technologies, we should implement responsible data-sharing practices. Strategies like clear data sharing policies, partnerships with responsible data organizations, and education and outreach efforts can help us build trust with stakeholders and use data in an ethical way. Building trust and maintaining responsible data sharing practices are critical for the long-term success and sustainability of the agri-food business.

You will get acquainted with a multidisciplinary approach to how to work on these challenges in an integrated manner.

The Programme

This blended programme starts with an online self-study part you can follow at your own pace and location. After that, we welcome you in-person to Düsseldorf Germany for a 3-day in-depth programme to work in substantive blocks in a group with your fellow professional learners under the supervision and guided by CodeZwei experts. 

Accomodation Details

=> Accommodation provided

=> Breakfast and Lunch Meals inclusive

=> Airport Pick-up from Düsseldorf International Airport

Registration Deadline
November 20, 2023

Self motivation

Send us a motivation letter indicating why you would want to attend our coding workshop in Germany, let us know how this programme will help you when you go back to your country, you can try to be true and show us who you really are, your career goals and why choosing our programme. You can either provide the motivation essay directly through your application form, or alternatively you can share It as a separate file.

Curriculum vitae

Please send us your current CV too, you can use a tabular format for your CV and add passport photo

Knowledge of working with computers and the internet

This is a fully hands-on workshop, we expect you to be knowing how to work with computers and can follow step by step during the workshop sessions.

Foundational Programming and statistical Skills

We welcome even beginners in our workshop, it was crafted to support anyone regardless of the level in programming, however we expect that you know some basic programming principles and statistics to able to follow the sessions.


You will be selected based on the quality of your motivation statement and your CV. Please take your time to prepare these documents. we receive many good applications and have limited spots Available.